Sportsfeed Now offers the latest sports events worldwide, including Olympics, Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, Major League Baseball World Series, etc. With every touch of the tab, you can know the competition schedules, scores, results, and the live broadcast of each competition, and get closer to your favorite athlete and groups and enjoy every moment of their competition anywhere, anytime. All about the sports you like: Sportsfeed Now contains all news about all the latest sports competitions: news, photos, videos, schedule, live scores, standings and rankings and results of every competition, athletes, and commentary of experts etc., all in one app. Providing all the live events videos, videos on demand like video clips and preview upcoming events and the full event replay, you can enjoy photos and videos of the live events and your favorite athletes from YouTube, Facebook, and Google Fiber anywhere at any time. With this app, you can: read the latest news to follow the process and results of every competition; watch broadcast of every sports competition LIVE! view the photo gallery of current event; comment on any news, video you like; share the news and video with your friends; use landscape mode for easier reading (for tablet); During 2016 Rio Olympics, Sportsfeed Now is proud to offer you the latest news and videos of 2016 Rio Olympics, including the real-time schedules and medal standing and rankings, the great moments of the Olympic events and competitions. Sportsfeed Now!